Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Out of all philosophies, which seems more attractive?

I seem to be so drawn to Pragmatism. This is because it is closest to "common sense" which is something that children should learn early on especially to succeed in the real world. The goal of pragmatists has been to seek wisdom, or truth, by thinking about the consequences of having particular beliefs and acting on them. The emphasis of individuals to create their own reality is something that is relatable. Pragmatists also believe that children should learn how to make difficult decisions by considering the consequneces their actions might have on others. After reading through about pragmatism I found a quote at the end of the section. It states "Education never ends-it is a process that continues throughout one's lifetime. People are instruments of change, capable of experiencing, experimenting, and testing their beliefs." I was extremely attracted to this quote because this is something I strongly believe in. I believe that you never stop learning. You learn something new everyday and if you're not learning then you're not living. People change everyday and each day we experience new things and experiment. The goal of education, the role of students and teachers, the teaching methods, and subjects studied are all ways that I would go about teaching and believing in.

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