Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Education is like a Dance ...

As a dancer and a hands on learner, I have always compared my dancing to my school work. In my lifetime I have learned over 300 pieces of choreography and in school I have learned too many pieces of information to even recall. As a dancer each dance has many, many different steps that at the end of the music all come together to create a piece. I feel like all the information we learn are like dance steps; we have to practice and review all that we learn but at the end of the unit we are tested. Usually when our dances are finished we are able to perform.
Just like education and teaching there is a certain way to teach and learn each step. Teachers of dance must also take the same considerations as teachers in the classroom. Anything that is new needs time to set in and also children learn in different ways. Some pick up the material very quickly while others may need more time, it is a teacher's responsibility in both situations to see what methods work best for their students. Just like my school teachers I spent a good amount of time with my dance teacher and in both cases my teachers new just how to keep me intrigued.
When all the steps and information are practiced and performed perfectly we have a well oiled machine!

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